Increasing Data need to be limited for some car car radio(or equipment).
To send the Increasing Data 0~0Fh, the higher bit need to be ANDed with 0x0F.
To send the Increasing Data F0h~FFh, the higher bit need to be ORed with 0xF0.

Idle Message is
Dur:100 Len: 4 sID:01 dID:50 Data:AB CD
Increasing Data Index is 2
Increment is 1
Mask Type is “AND”
Mask is “FF 0F FF FF | FF FF FF FF”

The messages are sent every 1 second to the Radio though BSGd like

S Len: 4 sID:01 dID:50 Data:AB 0B
S Len: 4 sID:01 dID:50 Data:AB 0C
S Len: 4 sID:01 dID:50 Data:AB 0D
S Len: 4 sID:01 dID:50 Data:AB 0E
S Len: 4 sID:01 dID:50 Data:AB 0F
S Len: 4 sID:01 dID:50 Data:AB 00
S Len: 4 sID:01 dID:50 Data:AB 01
S Len: 4 sID:01 dID:50 Data:AB 02

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