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BSGc-Bypass module, Stalk adaptor

BSGc(Button Signal Generator CAN)

BSGc enables you to control both car PC and car stereo with one steering wheel controls.
Feature of BSGc(Button Signal Generator CAN)
– Generates CAN signal for car stereo remote control.
– Controlled by CarPC Interface Exc though J2P BUS
– Generates Phone/Mute signal
– SMPS power supplier circuit(Ultra low heat emission)

User Guide


bsgc_1 bsgc_2

Easy configuration at Interface Manager.

Online / Offline Firmware update is provided.


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6 thoughts on “BSGc-Bypass module, Stalk adaptor

  1. Could not find this product among the distributors listed on your website.

    Can i buy both CPJexc and BSGc directly from you?

  2. Using this sites diagram at the bottom.

    The one that shows the steering wheel controls to the joycon exc and then from the exc to the BSG-c and then to the radio through CAN. Could I replace the radio with the AC control module and control the AC using a tablet. I know I’ll have to figure out how to make a button on the tablet that would control the output of the ac but I think I can figure that part out.

    1. You can output a CAN message to a vehicle with CPJexc + BSGc.
      This is possible:
      Button press -> CPJexc -> BSGc -> Vehicle.
      But this is not possible yet.
      Android App -> CPJexc -> BSGc -> Vehicle.

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